Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....where the violence happens. I want to assure you that it doesn't have my support. But I'd like to remind you that high- crime neighborhoods with histories of police misconduct are ghettos where there are few jobs, poor schools, bad water, bad food, and seriously limited opportunities. Poverty breeds criminal behavior. Until we can improve people's chances to make decent lives for themselves, we will perpetuate our crises. Why would anyone live in the area you mention? Neither you nor I would. No one would who had a choice. Everybody has to live somewhere though, and if you're unfortunate enough to have been born there, it's damned hard to escape. A great deal of this country was built by slave labor and looted from native peoples. Many of our social ills today are the consequence of that history.

Well Bill, with a friend like you, the ghetto folks dont have half a chance, eh? Before the wuhan debacle, your President achieved the lowest black unemployment in US history. Seems if given a chance, most folks prefer to work for a living rather than stand in one of your hand out lines, or is that not ghetto enough for you?

Yes, you condone the criminal behavior. Just because you dont condone the criminal, does not mean you are not rubber stamping the politicians that you vote for. You know, the idiots whore force feeding their constituent your kind of hypocrisy?

Havent we discussed the ghettos of Montana? They arent suffering from bad water, just really good drugs, eh Bill? Imagine having to wait to get high because the no work benny check isnt due till tomorrow? You built it, cant you see that they will come?