Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
C raig, you seem to think that politicians cause poverty, at least liberal ones. The old canard that welfare breeds dependency is one cliche that needs to be debunked. Try living on current welfare benefits.....

Since Im not going to try, lets imagine?

Whats the typical unemployment rate on a typical mt reservation? Do their ballot boxes have a R option, they do run a hundred percent dem dontt they? Do all of the on rez residents get magic paychecks from the gov? No?

Say a few hundred thousand acres were dumped on my lap, would I trash the cell towers, walk livestock through the free housing and sell parcels to whitey? How about do you think I would sell off mineral and rights water rights off to whitey? Do you think I would be more likely to open booze joints or would it be easier to allow interstate and international drug trafficking? How about the gals, do you think I would smack around the young ones, maybe leave a few dead in roadside ditches?

Nope, I couldnt live on welfare, but weve created some good examples of of folks thatre more that happy to exploit those wages, eh? And, why not they have time on their hands, eh? Oh Im sorry, did I leave out the scum white folks setting up those little camps in GFs, bozo, Missoula. Great plan Bill, when do you cough up your fair share?