Originally Posted By: battle
Someone suggested epoxying a layer of veneer around the stock head. This seems like a shade tree mechanic repair to me.

That's the understatement of the year!

CJO gave you excellent advice. The quality of his work is all you need to know that his advice should be followed.

I like Daryl's advice too... except "Raw" linseed oil as a finish. It takes far too long to cure or crosslink, and remains gummy unless used very sparingly between coats. Just a guess, but I'd guess the original finish contained other resins.

If you decide to proceed with refinishing, I'd stay away from any prolonged solvent soaks. Organic solvents will damage and weaken the cellulose and lignin structure of the wood. Soaking should only be used as a last resort when other methods of removing oil were not sufficient. Personally, I wouldn't think of restocking unless the rest of the stock has severe damage, or has been cut too short to be usable.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.