Originally Posted By: King Brown
A best gun on any given day is the gun I prefer on that day: a high-condition Sterly, Elsie, A&N, Parker, SKB, Francotte, Sauer. Each has interesting provenance/memories. To own a London Best would be pure affectation; not me, my gunning buddies would know II was losing my mind. And the notion of sparing any shotgun from a rainy day, storing them in a vault, makes no sense to me. Takes all kinds, eh?

Exactly my sentiments, KB.

I was granted the privilege of shooting a line of skeet with a Purdey. It was a great handling gun, the triggers were excellent, and I looked oh so stylish behind it.

It also would sell for about what my truck did when it was new, and this gun was made in the 1930's. I was pretty careful to not drop it on the concrete.

It's a world that would take a Power Ball winner to enter, and of course I would... but I can't imagine not getting bored with such a thing and returning to my 1100's and Berettas for variety.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble