Arizona Ted. Republican governor. Red state (so far frown ) Loves Trump (except Tucson, Tempe and Flagstaff). Libertarian. Opened back up early. Unfortunately, the sunshine and heat theory was wrong. And then there was Old Town Scottsdale on Memorial Weekend.
Plenty of insane conspiracy theories to review here, but please DO read the many links I posted which are from credible sources

Testing "cases" have little meaning, other than as a trend.
Hospital bed occupancy is being skewed by the difficulty in transferring COVID + elderly (and homeless) to care facilities.
One can't fake humans in ICU beds however
Yesterday's stats for the state of Arizona:
1695 ICU beds available
ICU bed occupancy now 88% and fortunately stable
970 ICU beds occupied by COVID patients = about 65% and going up.

Things are still very bad on the Navajo Nation, but it does appear the curve is finally flattening, and deaths are going down. The Nation still has one of the highest per capita death rates in U.S. however. This is 3 weeks old
There were initially low numbers of cases and deaths on the White Mountain Apache Rez but things are getting worse now

But we're WAY OT and that's it for me.