Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein

Typical, leftist symbolism over substance. As if, wearing a mask does a damn thing for your community or folks in it.

Put up any nonsense you want about a mask helping defeat a virus, any virus, Chris, and Ill post a dozen studies that refute it.

Masks wont help. Social distancing is a term that was lifted from a high schoolers science fair project a few years back, which, really doesnt do anything to prevent spread of viruses.

But, if there is one demonstrable thing that is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to help reduce the spread of COVID19, it is living in a city with a republican mayor, and, perhaps most important of all, living in a state with a republican Governor.

Absolutely indisputable.

The democrat governors who seeded nursing homes in their states with COVID19 positive patients are cold blooded killers, and guilty of war crimes against humanity.

Never waste a crisis, eh comrade?


Would everyone please note that the midget tried to make a false point using a dated graph from early July.

The date of your graph is July 2nd. On July 2nd we had 2,724,640 cases in the US.


As of today we have 3,362,871

That is that is nearly a 25% increase in cases in the US since the print date of the midget's graph and the vast majority of those new cases are from red state's like Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Georgia, as well as the blue state of California. Furthermore, it took 6 months to reach 2.7 million and two weeks to increase it by nearly 25%. Ironically the increase appeared after the red states started their early and ill advised re-openings.





Look at those steep upward trends that started after July 1!

In fact Ted, If Florida under the Republican Ron DeSantis (Who fired the scientist in charge of Floridas Covid-19 database because she would not manipulate the data to support reopening certain counties early. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020...ata-reopen-plan) were a nation unto itself, it would be the 4th worst case for new infections on the planet.


So midget, do you see now how badly your foot gets shoved into your mouth and out your a$$ when you come at me with clearly outdated data to prove your ill informed point? Try harder cause although I do enjoy dismantling your arguments, its more fun when you have researched and worked hard at your homework.

Last edited by nca225; 07/14/20 05:07 PM.

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