This has certainly devolved into the usual conflict and I guess I'm to blame for that. I suppose I could become meek and quiet and not express my frustrations about our current challenges.

Our Democrat Governor here in Colorado stated just this week that "people who don't wear masks here are stupid & selfish". My response to him would be that he could be right... that I clearly am selfish when it comes to the liberties that I consider to be my birthright. I would likely counter his argument by saying that he is merely yet-another example of a "petty tyrant" who has weaponized this virus to strike fear in the less-educated component of the population, in order to more-fully exert the power of the State over it's inhabitants for a now clearly (at least to me) nefarious end-game.

I am willing to give the folks that initially forced this "shutdown" the benefit of the doubt. We clearly couldn't fully know what we were up against (because of the duplicity of the Communist Chinese). We also clearly didn't want the issues that were affecting Italy so-adversely and we couldn't simply sit by and let it happen here. Five months later, however, and we know a lot more about what we're faced with now. The lethality of this COVID-19 infection simply does not compare, even remotely, with the infamous Spanish Flu of 1917, not even close. It actually does, however, compare fairly closely with the several afflictions this country suffered-under during the Obama Administration's tenure a few years ago (H1N1, SARS, West Nile, etc.), which were, of-course, blissfully ignored by the then completely sycophantic media.

As I see it now, virus and influenza deaths are a sadly inescapable fact of life. The old and the infirm are the usual victims of each successive wave that washes over this country on an annual basis. It is also quite clear to me that the medical systems of this country are far-better equipped to handle these challenges than any other nation on this planet. God help you if you get sick anywhere else but here.

IMHO, the mechanization's of the media and their Democratic partners to make more of this virus than it actually is are fairly transparent to anybody who is actually willing to look. The obvious goal is to damage the economy of this country so-badly that the current occupant of the White House can't run on his past successes with it. Pure and simple. When the upcoming election is over, everything will change....but only if a Democrat is elected.