Originally Posted By: keith
I have repeatedly said that I support Trump because of his stance on Corporate and personal taxes, onerous job killing regulations, insane foreign trade deals, National Defense, getting NATO Nations to pay a more equitable share of defense costs, essentially destroying ISIS, Illegal Immigration, Border Security, incentives to increase employment and repatriate manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.A., defending against creeping Socialism, exposing Fake News and Liberal Left exploitation of the First Amendment, and many more things. That is hardly a single issue. Trump is doing exactly what we hired him to do, and he would have done much more if he wasn't also fighting a 3 1/2 year coup attempt to reverse the 2016 election.

Have you? Must get drowned out with the broken record diatribe on gun owners voting for Democrats.

Forum: a medium of discussion/expression of ideas. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/forum