Now that a particular protagonist is gone I will mention why Merkels leave me cold. The stock cheeks on the ones I have handled are exaggerated and have sharp edges, and the rear point is sharp to the extent of being uncomfortable when my hand encounters it.

I don't care for the Teutonic styling of almost all German built top-break guns, Merkel being no exception. In addition, there seems to be none of the svelte shaping that is so attractive to me, such as on a A H Fox action. The bolsters, the deep relief engraving and carvings of German guns, just don't do it for me.

Notice, please, that I said earlier that I believe "Merkels are finely made guns, no doubt. They are strong and should last several lifetimes .........". But, that does not equate to attractiveness, to me. Thus, the reason Merkels leave me cold.

I need no one to agree with me, and will have no disagreement with anyone who feels otherwise.

Best to all, SRH

Last edited by Stan; 08/19/20 06:38 AM. Reason: clarification

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