Stan had a rough day today.

From his boy David:

Today was a scary day. When they tried taking Dad off the ventilator, his pulse shot up into the 200s & he went into a dangerous heart rhythm. They had to quickly put him back on the vent, and started an 18-hour drip medication to bring his heart rate under control. Just now it was back down to 84, praise God. He is still running a fever of 100-101, as his body fights off an infection from two different bacteria in his system. They have stopped with the cold towels to pull his fever down, so his body is fighting the fever now. They will leave him on the ventilator, and hope to try to get him off it on Monday. Please pray his body strengthens to the point they can do that, that is a big need.
Please keep my brother Jonathan in your prayers, too. Taking over an entire farming operation on your own for the first time right at the start of harvest season without Daddy's help or even to be able to ask him questions, if you could imagine, is overwhelming. This is going to be a long road, and Daddy is likely to not be able to be of any help for the rest of the harvest season.
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Here for the meltdowns