Thanks for posting, Mel. His legacy will live on and your words describe him w/great accuracy. Glad that he was able to pass as many of us would wish to; peacefully and in his sleep.

I was fortunate to know him over a span of more than fifty years, shoot some birds going pretty far back & helice w/him now & again and sometimes have lunch w/him years ago when he would come up for a shoot or double gun related doings. Always the gentleman and always willing to share insights gained thru much personal experience and never the least forceful about any of it. He had a kind demeanor from the first time we were introduced in the 60's and it never changed. Was able to have some fun conversation w/him last time he came up to shoot a USHA match. Whot, a year ago(?), perhaps a bit more. That was the last time I saw him.

God speed, Cyril; it was a true pleasure knowing you.