Originally Posted By: eightbore
... My undergraduate composition instructors would turn most of these posts back to the writer for revision for clarity. ... Of course, clean cut farmers and residential builders need to be thinned a bit also, but it's their land.

To paraphrase Matthew Quigley: This ain't college an' you ain't Wyatt Earp ...er, ah, well sumptin like that. OK, I'll clarify my thoughts. I have no problem with the volume of red fox Phil trapped...at all. I'm in agreement with those that believe staging the pic was an act of self-centered bragging, which I whole heartedly think he earned. I'm also in agreement with those that believe it will ultimately result in a negative response from non-hunting/trapping public. Double edged sword, you see.

With regard to those builders won't build if there's no one to buy. Too many people...nobody seems to get that nor want to talk about that...very much engrained in our culture to raise large families.

Last edited by Chuck H; 09/25/07 11:58 AM.