I think we need a new, more on-topic thread here. I'd much rather talk about doubles than Medicare, though I'm looking at retirement in weeks, so this I deal with but in other venues.

I am enjoying reading Rollin Oswald's book. I'm reading it somewhat out of order, which may be a mistake but keeps me entertained.

It is an excellent read and the guy is very clear about what he discusses, which is unusual for a shooting/gun book in my experience. However, one thing I have noticed is that nearly everything he says is geared towards competition shooting. I have not seen any mention about hunting, which is my personal interest in stock fit.

With that in mind, and for those of you that do both extensively, what are the differences, the correction factors for hunting guns that are often shot from cattywhumpus positions at flushed birds and with varying amounts of clothing, and so on? Do you shorten the LOP by 1/4" and all else is good, or have a lower comb, or just more drop at the heal, or ???

I thought it might be interesting to hear what good gun fit means for hunting guns relative to competitive shooting. Certainly, my competition rifles are different than my hunters, so it seems likely that is the case with shotguns too.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]