Originally Posted By: BrentD
Originally Posted By: lonesome roads
Originally Posted By: BrentD
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Why do I bother ?

Easy answer because you are a socialist pig.

Actually because you don't have a frickin' leg to stand on.

As usual Frank, all you can do is hurl insults. I am happy to hurl the back now. I imagine you are too feeble to even lift a shotgun anymore. One sick puppy, you are.

Well, at least he didnt call you a commie.

Keep that up Homeless were going to start calling you Gentleman jOe.

Your point? Perhaps a veiled attempt at some sort of insult?

If thats where the boogeymen in your mind take you...

I betcha hes got a Commie flag tacked up on the wall inside of his garage.
C. Daniels