My take on this is a little more technical.
I wear a watch that records my heartbeat 24 hours a day and I can look at what my heart rate has been doing at any moment of any day, Before, during, and after any particular experience.

I also am tasked with removing whitetail deer from a set of farms Under a USDA disease control permit.

For me the uncertainty of a point, flush, and shot Raises my heart rate. I can glow for a few minutes. Feel alive as it were.

Shooting whitetail deer doesn't do anything. There is a rise of 5-10 bpm for the duration of the shooting. That's it.
It's just a job. I have 3 spots I can choose to hit, and that's it.

I'm pretty sure in older males declining testosterone impacts the desire to hunt and kill.

Out there doing it best I can.