What I despise seeing now and in terms of what our ancestors fought and died for, which was LIBERTY......and now with socialists taking over, that liberty is being degraded and whittled away more and more with each tick of the clock. Look at what they are doing with all the shutdowns. They dont know what they are doing (no scientific double blind studies here) the blind leading the blind, but lets take away civil liberties, shut down businesses, stay at home, make people pay more taxes (we earned that property; what gives a socialist government the right to take whats mine and spend my money at their will and spread my money and other taxpayers wealth around?). Not to mention whats in store for the estate tax. Plus, only a moron would agree that a 78 yo male with Parkinsons disease and early signs of dementia was duly elected President of the United States WITHOUT campaigning, rather spending that time in his basement. Give me a break....Zuckerburg (Facebook should be boycotted forever) who donated $350,000,000.00 and other socialists defrauded the election. They clearly are clever bastards but unscrupulous thieves nonetheless. Socialism is a runaway train and Im afraid theres no looking back now. God save us and save what all the good men of the past died for....Save liberty.

Socialism is almost the worst.