Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
jOe, Craig, Maybe between you the two of you, you could clarify exactly what the point of jOe's post is. If nothing else. explain why you still feel the election was fishy. Dozens of Trump appointees and Republiucan officials have made it clear the election was sound. I know that's an outcome you're unhappy about. Now you know how we Dems felt 4 years ago. We didn't refuse, however, to acknowledge that it actually happened. To continue to question the outcome has a name: brain-washed stupidity.

All we heard for four years was that Trump stole the 2016 election, and that he was helped by Russian trolls and Putin. rocky mtn bill, BrentD, Sissy Chrissy nca225, or any of our other Libtards have failed to prove that even one vote was influenced by anything Russia or Putin did. And they won't go near the fact that Obama used U.S. tax dollars in an attempt to influence the Israeli election against Netanyahu.

Quite a few of the lawsuits that Trump and his legal team filed post-election were not tossed out because there was no evidence of fraud. There is plenty of evidence of fraud that Billy and other supporters of anti-gun Democrats continue to deny. I have posted lots of it for Bill several times. We know that thousands of dead people voted. We know that millions of mail-in ballots were cast without any effort to verify identity, citizenship, or valid voter registration, We know for a fact that many people cast multiple ballots, and even crossed state lines to vote in neighboring states. We know that there were quite a few people in Wayne County, Michigan who were added to voter rolls, and all had birth dates of 1900. We even saw a photo posted here of a computer monitor with a list of all of those 120 year old Biden voters.

We all know how Democrats like rocky mtn bill feel about Voter I.D. requirements. We know all about the Dominion Voting Machines that leading Democrats complained were vulnerable to hacking and manipulation in the past, and we know about the so-called glitch in the software that switched Trump votes to Biden.

We know that many of the lawsuits were tossed because Judges didn't believe the obvious cheating would change the outcome. We know Judges incorrectly decided to allow the counting of votes that were post-marked late, not because that was the law, but because they decided to not disenfranchise anyone, even though the ballots were clearly invalid under the law. We know that the recent Texas lawsuit was tossed by the SCOTUS because of the excuse that Texas did not have legal standing to challenge fraud that essentially nullified the votes and the will of the majority in Texas. We know that some lawsuits were tossed, not due to a lack of evidence, but due to the idea that the suits should have been filed much earlier when the potential for massive fraud was first known.

We also know about RINO's and Never Trumper's and Republicans who would be quite content to see Washington return to business as usual. We know what motivates Mitt Romney and George Bush to hate Trump. We know that the Lincoln Project is not composed of real Republicans who would rather see an anti-2nd Amendment Socialist become president.

Billy knows all of this, but he is another Democrat sock-puppet who wants us to just ignore criminal election fraud that nullified the votes of millions of legal registered voters. For supporters of anti-gun Democrats like Billy and the other Libtard voters here, the ends justify the means... even though election fraud is a Federal crime.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.