Originally Posted By: BrentD
cb, now you are making stuff up. Of course the Russians were involved in helping Trump win in '16. That's not debatable (except by surrealists). Whether Trump had anything to do with it, is open for debate, but not the fact that they were doing more than crossing their fingers that Trump would win.

And then there is the current election. Again, you know, we all know, it was won straight up. There are no creditable statistical or other evidence to the contrary. Let's just get over that one and move on.

You don't want to be the very thing you are labeling others. If you keep up that charade, you are.

Brent, Obama interfered in our last general election. Tom Steyer has regularly campaigned and donated money to defeat right of centre Canadian provincial and federal candidates and influence Canadian policy. Canadians have a long history of attempting to influence US elections. We donate to campaigns despite explicit rules against it. Hell, I've seen many reports in the papers of Canadians traveling to the US to work on Democratic campaigns. Typically it's Canadians supporting Dems.

I don't recall you getting all indignant about those efforts. Same goes for Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the senior Dem brain trust. More hypocrisy from the Left.

Last edited by canvasback; 12/20/20 05:37 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia