Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: nca225

Well CB, I read both volumes of the mueller report, did you?. If you take the time to read it you'll see where you are wrong.

For instance how do you explain Paul Manafort providing campaign information to Konstantin Kilimnik?


How do you explain the multiple felonies Roger Stone was convicted of including about lying to congress about his contacts with Russia and Wikileaks?


Better yet, here a is a .pdf of the report. My bet is if you read it all, you might come to regret grasping onto Bill Barr's words.


Bikl Barr is no friend to Trump. If they could have proved something, Trump would have been charged.

And while we are on the subject.....

During his tenure as Attorney General, William Barr:

Allowed Jeffrey Epstein to die in custody

Prevented any investigation of Epsteins death

Did a fake investigation of the Obama Administration and the intelligence community

Allowed the Obama Administration and the intelligence community to get away with spying on Donald Trump

Sat back and allowed states to violate the most basic rights of citizens, permanently destroying all of our hard fought civil rights

Allowed multinational corporations to lobby to have the wealth of the middle class transferred to them via the coronavirus hoax

Allowed Black Lives Matter and Antifa to riot endlessly, making Donald Trump look weak and securing the right of these leftists to do literally whatever they want

Allowed the FBI to refuse to investigate Antifa, claiming that theyre an idea, setting the stage for the organization to act with impunity indefinitely

Refused to protect the civil rights of those victimized by antifa, often opting to prosecute them instead

Refused to enforce the First Amendment against Google, Facebook and Twitter, allowing for the establishment of a mass censorship regime

Refused to enforce antitrust laws against big tech

Refused to enforce privacy laws against big tech

Allowed for the imprisonment and prosecution of an entire list of political prisoners

Ensured that Julian Assange was arrested and tortured in a British prison, ultimately ensuring that he will be brought to face fake charges in America, destroying the life of a true hero and also further eroding our speech rights

Allowed for states to do mass mail-in voting, ultimately ensuring the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential election

Refused to investigate massive voter fraud uncovered in Minnesota, which would have totally undermined the entire mail-in voting agenda

Spent virtually his entire tenure covering up the crimes of Joe Bidens family

Refused to investigate voter fraud

Falsely claimed there was no evidence of voter fraud.

Wow, That is an exhaustive list of complaints CB!

Last edited by nca225; 12/20/20 06:45 PM.

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