Originally Posted by SKB
Cumulus gets it right and finally demands talk radio hosts stop spreading the big election fraud lie :


I am not at all shocked to see that Queen Stevie feels that censorship of Conservative talk shows is a good and correct thing.

Those talk show hosts weren't talking about election fraud in order to perpetuate a lie. They have been talking about it because it is blatantly obvious, and an affront to the millions of voters who have had their votes nullified by cheating. So why do tens of millions of voters see fraud? Well, first let's take a look at Altzheimer Joe Biden's previous attempts to become president:

Presidential elections

1984 Democratic National Convention (presidential tally):

Walter Mondale – 2,191 (56.4%)
Gary Hart – 1,201 (30.9%)
Jesse Jackson – 466 (12.0%)
Thomas Eagleton – 18 (0.45%)
George McGovern – 4 (0.1%)
John Glenn – 2 (0.1%)
Joe Biden – 1 (0.0%)
Martha Kirkland – 1 (0.0%)


1988 Democratic National Convention (presidential tally):

Michael Dukakis – 2,877 (70.1%)
Jesse Jackson – 1,219 (29.7%)
Richard H. Stallings – 3 (0.1%)
Joe Biden – 2 (0.1%)
Dick Gephardt – 2 (0.1%)
Lloyd Bentsen – 1 (0.0%)
Gary Hart – 1 (0.02)


2008 New Hampshire Democratic vice presidential primary:

Raymond Stebbins – 50,485 (46.9%)
William Bryk – 22,965 (21.4%)
John Edwards* – 10,553 (9.8%)
Barack Obama* 6,402 (6.0%)
Bill Richardson* (write-in) – 5,525 (5.1%)
Hillary Clinton* (write-in) – 3,419 (3.2%)
Joe Biden* – 1,512 (1.4%)
Al Gore* – 966 (0.9%)
Dennis Kucinich* – 762 (0.7%)
Bill Clinton* – 388 (0.4%)
John McCain* – 293 (0.3%)
Chris Dodd* – 224 (0.2%)
Ron Paul* – 176 (0.2%)
Jack Barnes, Jr.* – 95 (0.1%)
Mike Gravel* – 91 (0.1%)
Joe Lieberman* – 67 (0.1%)
Mitt Romney* – 66 (0.1%)
Mike Huckabee* – 63 (0.1%)
Rudy Giuliani* – 46 (0.0%)
Darrel Hunter* – 20 (0.0%)

2008 Democratic presidential primaries:

Excluding penalized contests, only primary and caucuses votes:

Barack Obama – 16,706,853
Hillary Clinton – 16,239,821
John Edwards – 742,010
Bill Richardson – 89,054
Uncommitted – 82,660
Dennis Kucinich – 68,482
Joe Biden – 64,041
Mike Gravel – 27,662
Chris Dodd – 25,300
Others – 22,556

Including penalized contests:

Hillary Clinton – 18,225,175 (48.0%)
Barack Obama – 17,988,182 (47.4%)
John Edwards – 1,006,275 (2.7%)
Uncommitted – 299,610 (0.8%)
Bill Richardson – 106,073 (0.3%)
Dennis Kucinich – 103,994 (0.3%)
Joe Biden – 81,641 (0.2%)
Scattering – 44,348 (0.1%)
Mike Gravel – 40,251 (0.1%)
Chris Dodd – 35,281 (0.1%)

To say that Biden has been an unpopular choice with Democrat voters is the understatement of the century. For someone who had been in National office for decades, the best he could do prior to 2020 was to embarrass himself before he dropped out. His 1988 campaign fizzled quickly after he got caught lying and admitted to plagiarism. And he certainly did not distinguish himself as Obama's V.P.

Everyone knows he was a National embarrassment, and his only real accomplishment, if you hate guns, was that he continued to be a voice for disarming law abiding citizens and restricting access to guns and ammo.

In 2020, he barely emerged from his basement, where he was kept in hiding from the public. A goodly number of Democrats even questioned how in hell he had won the Primary, when other Democrat candidates, such as Bernie Sanders seemingly were much more popular. The DNC cheated Bernie out of the nomination in 2016... they even cheat their own fellow Democrats!

When he was finally shamed into making some campaign appearances, attendance at his rallies was as dismal as his previous runs for president. Very small numbers of supporters remained in their cars, and honked horns. Really, his greatest appeal among people like Billy and Queen Stevie... who have Trump derangement syndrome, was that he wasn't Trump. Meanwhile, Trump was attracting massive crowds with major enthusiasm. Attendance in Tulsa at an indoor venue was somewhat disappointing right after the Covid19 shutdown. Yet it was still large enough for Libtards like Queen Stevie and the Fake News Media to cry that it was a super-spreader Covid19 event. But as the campaign went on, his events totally filled large venues, and thousands more stood outside and lined the streets, just to show support. And we just did not hear people saying that they supported Trump in 2016, but planned to switch to the demented Socialist Joe Biden in 2020.

We were told by the Fake News Media all through the election that the polls showed Trump down by double digits, and that he would lose in a landslide so tremendous that he should probably just drop out to avoid embarrassment. Yet when the vote counting began on election night, instead of seeing Trump getting slaughtered by double digits, he was winning late into the evening. Then late at night, under the cover of darkness, and over the protests of election observers, we had many very strange things occurring in predominately Democrat states and counties. Libtards often claim that Republicans reject science with things like climate change. But they want us all to believe crap like this:

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

Large mysterious ballot dumps were made in the wee hours of the morning in key swing states that abruptly erased Trump leads. Election observers reported and signed sworn affidavits attesting to being told to leave, or being blocked from observing the count, and having their objections to gross irregularities ignored. They witnessed things like large boxes of mail-in ballots being brought in, all filled out with Sharpie pens, and only Biden/Harris picked, with no down-ballot choices. They saw large suitcases full of suspicious ballots being pulled out from under tables in Democrat counties in Georgia, again, in the wee hours of the morning... with no explanation as to why they had been hidden and kept in suitcases until then. Thousands of ballots hidden under tables... Nothing to see here folks! Observers also complained about mail-in ballots that had signatures that did not remotely match those on file, but the contested votes were counted, and the outer signature envelopes were discarded so that fraud could not be proven.

Then they expect us to believe that Democrat precincts can actually have voter turnouts of 100% and higher. And they expect us to believe that Wayne County, (Detroit) Michigan has a shitload of 120 year old voters who voted for Biden. We also had many people swear that when they got to the polls, they had to fill out provisional ballots, because they were informed that they had already voted... when they knew they hadn't. They also expect us to believe that Joe Biden actually got more votes than Barack Hussein Obama in predominately black precincts. And even though Trump got nearly 10 million more votes than he did in 2016, they want us to believe that Biden/Harris shattered that total by 7 million more. Remember, this is a loser who never got more than 1.4% in a Primary, and never came close to becoming the Democrat nominee.

And we all know how Democrats hate the very idea of Voter I.D., even though showing a photo I.D. disenfranchises no one... and how they push to allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses, which make it very easy for illegals to illegally register to vote without proof of citizenship. Only one Party wishes to give felons the right to vote, and to take away gun rights from law abiding citizens, and that is Democrats.There is so much more, but Democrats and the Fake News Media, and the Libtard sock-puppets here keep repeating that there is no evidence of fraud.

So gee-whiz... with all that and much more, I wonder why tens of millions of Americans think the election was rigged, and stolen from Donald Trump??? I wonder why they do not believe Attorney General William Barr's assertion that there was no fraud, when he did no investigation and refused to appoint a Special Counsel?

It seems as though the Democrats who planned all of this made a major miscalculation though. They apparently thought that all Republicans and all Independents are as stupid as rocky mtn bill and Queen Stevie. And they thought that Donald Trump would just go quietly back to Mara Largo, and that his tens of millions of supporters would simply ignore what they saw, and just accept the repeated Soviet style propaganda mantra that "there is no evidence...there is no evidence...there is no evidence...there is no evidence..."

The Democrat liars who started this mess are now claiming they want to unify the country, and end the division... after more than 4 years of non-stop hysterically partisan attacks on a duly elected President. Back then, they hated the Electoral College, but now they love it. Now with barely 10 days until their fraud scheme removes Trump from office, they are still attacking, and falsely accusing, and threatening the man they persecuted and threatened to impeach since the minute he was elected,. And they are still threatening to prosecute and imprison him and his family. Those Democrats who claim to wish to bring harmony, peace, healing, and unity to the Nation want to crush Donald Trump, and totally destroy him and his legacy. And they are hunting down many of his supporters who did far less than BLM rioters. Sadly, Queen Stevie and rocky mtn bill are far too stupid to see the irony in this, and they both support it.

Almost 245 years ago, American colonists revolted against British rule over some little things like gun control, attempts to censor the colonists by prohibiting newspapers from publishing unfavorable information and opinions (see Cato's letters), and a tax on their tea. Those who revolted to correct perceived wrongs were called criminals and insurrectionists. Their Declaration of Independence was called sedition, and their oppressors tried to crush them and silence them.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.