I need some advice. As I make progress on my recutting of the checkering I have arrived at working on the mullered border. The first photo shows the original border with very little wear on the right. I have re-established the border on the left. The original border on the left consisted of a slight amount of original pattern in the form of lines and a slight border profile.

The second photo shows the tools I have for this work. The Dem-Bart cutters are 1) 2-28, 2) BC-N concave, 3) F1, and 4) 4-40 machine screw tool. And a curved blade knife.

As I continue along the checkering pattern I will be losing any pattern lines for the border as it has been completely erased by hand wear. This will make re-establishing the border more difficult.

I watched a YouTube video (MNR Custom, LLC) on this type of border and the fellow uses a 28 lpi cutter to establish the border lines for the mullered border (on a 22 lpi checkering pattern and not a Parker).

A couple of observations at this point.
1: the Dem-Bart BC-N cutter seems to be too wide to match the original border. Is the Gun line concave cutter narrower?
2: there are two lines, one on each side of the border, very thin. How are these cut? Which tool?
3: I find that a 2-28 cutter will give me the required center line for the border. Is this a good means to center the border? I am thinking of using the 2-28 cutter twice to establish the inner and outer border lines.

[Linked Image from jpgbox.com]

[Linked Image from jpgbox.com]