No Eightbore, I was told he had it in his office for two weeks and just forgot to get someone else to take it off his hands. It had made it within 11 miles of it's final destination. But sat in the local PO postmaster office from the time he got it until he came back from vacation and put it back into the system. I guess they did not try to get a location for the package while he was on vacation. It was a honest mistake I think. Just one I did not see the humor in at the time. Most PO employees are fine people. People sent to Earth, to make my life a complete rats nest and they have succeed.

I have given up any hope of returning back to Maryland to retire. The state has changed so much in the last 20-30 years I almost do not know it was the state I grew up in. Might as well be Connecticut or New Jersey these days. My farms are going to be sold and the money used to buy land else where. Pity there is truth in the line you can never go home again. Hope you are well and putting up with all the changes in Maryland.