Originally Posted by KY Jon
BrenD, I do not know how many, but just one is too many. A vote is the purest form of freedom. Take that away, steal that, or cancel that and we all are slaves to the system with no chance to change it. So just one is too many. I do not care who you vote for as long as your vote is your choice and done only by you.

I also know I received mail in ballots for both my late father and late mother. One had been dead two years and the other 11 years. You can not tell me that some people were so emotional about things, that they would not be tempted to just send them in. I did not request them. They never lived at my house. I did do a change of address on each, after their deaths, to make sure I got all their mail to close out their estates. Those ballots were system generated and should never have been mailed to me for the simple reasons that they were dead and mine was not their registered voting residence. But they still came.

Okay just one. I agree, one is too many, but numbers do matter. Or don't numbers matter?

Apparently, Kentucky has a real problem with how they run ballots. Seems like most states have it figured. We didn't get any ballots for our dead parents here.

Got any dogs that received ballots? Thought not.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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