Toby, for pleasure and knowledge could I suggest you obtain these four slim volumes - they are all you'll need to know about history. The format is very simple. A Map on one page and a tightly edited (and humorous) text on the other. They are utterly brilliant, amazingly simple and Mr. McEvedy was a genius. I bought a set for each of my kids 30 years ago and have used them extensively since the 1980's. Plus they are just plain fun and really do explain linguistic variants of the caucasian languages, the pressures on the German tribes along the Rhine dealing with the Romans, etc. I carry the set when I go abroad (and when in Africa add the Penguin Atlas of African History (banned in South Africa because it shows the Zulus arriving after the Dutch.)

[Linked Image from]

You can buy them used for as low as $ 1.00 a book...and they are so easy to understand and so enjoyable that they are worth 1000 times that. Why isn't history taught like this?

Last edited by Argo44; 02/27/21 10:57 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch