Originally Posted by Drew Hause
"I already know the answer"

You would be wrong Ted. And please reference a quotation by me that states Smith guns are "better" than British.

Long cold winter clouding your usual sunny disposition?
It's 77, the sun is shining, and Spring Training is on here in Paradise smile Hard to be grateful and grouchy at the same time; I'll choose the former.

You haven’t taken your own advice, preacher? I’ll say two or three prayers for your gun.

Uh, the whole thread is about our opinions on “better” guns, you seemed to come down on this side of the fence with your comment.
Not sure what you believe at the moment. That, is OK.
My disposition is just fine, it is very sunny and 55 or so, supposed to be low 60s tomorrow, the cool temps will keep the heat waves from being an issue at the gun club tomorrow, where the boy and I will likely shoot a few rounds of skeet and trap.

With Belgian and Japanese guns, actually. Pretty sure neither of us will be concerned about them breaking.

Have a great day.
