I removed a good 99% of the scratches and dents from my wood furniture and applied a good dozen and half coats of boiled Lind seed oil. I want to pit something over it help waterproof the wood. I knocked over the stick while it was drying the other days and put a few fresh dings in it so I know the BLO is not a hard finish. I would like to keep it original...or original looking. I restored it to be a shooter and want to water proof the wood in case I get rained on turkey hunting this spring. I was planning on putting a coat of Johnson’s paste wax over it. I also have some satin wipe on poly. What were the original stocks finished with. I’ve used paste wax on a few other wood restoration projects and it seems to turn out nice but I never checked them for water proofing. I have never tried wipe on poly yet. I didn’t want to use the poly and have a shiny finish if that was not period correct for my gun. Any suggestions on waterproofing my wood while making it look like the original finish?

Here is the stock set with a fresh coat of BLO I just wiped off.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Not perfect, but a lot better IMO then when I started. It had a lot of war wounds in the wood furniture. I left a few dings and scars in it to keep the wood vintage looking. I also didn’t want to try and raise the dent by the checkering. Figured if I was going to use it I had to bring the old, dry wood back to life.

Last edited by Tripplebeards; 03/26/21 11:53 AM.