Prices are not what they use to be for certain Eightbore. But $11.50
Factory is not that crazy these days. Been a long time since I bought Remington All American 12 bore ammo for $48.00/500 case price. Lead shot use to be $16.00/100 weight when I first started reloading. Remington 209 primers were at $10.00/1,000
Just 20 years ago. I bought two pallets if lead shot at $11.00 a bag and I though my wife was going to have me committed. That shot lasted me and my two boys almost a decade. I just used up the last 10,000 Remington 209 primers that I bought for under $12.00/1,000. Both of those days are long behind us I am sure.

When I see people talk about dollar a round ammo for what we use to pay ten cents a round for it all is crazy to me. Perhaps my kids will tell tales about shells being as cheap as $115.00 a flat when they were young.