"I would like to watch someone "cut any shot out" of twenty five or thirty doves shot with #9 shot after a good shoot with friends. Wake me up in the morning so I can watch you finish up. I've been hunting birds for 65 years and I've never seen anyone "cutting the shot out".

I suppose it's the difference in way we were raised Brother Eightbore, whenever I took home game taken with a shotgun, I make every effort to "pick" all shot pellets out of the meat as there's nothing worse than biting down on a shot pellet except for breaking a tooth when doing so.
My wife now refuses to eat small game because what I just described happened to her. Another reason to pick shot holes is to remove feathers and hair dragged into the meat by a pellet; which material will sometimes actually stop a pellet. No one wants to bite into a piece of game and find a pellet covered by feathers and hair. But apparently consuming shot is not harmful to humans as an elderly hunting bud went into the hospital for some issue and where he was X-rayed. The X-ray showed a number of shot shell pellets in his gut that he'd swallowed over the years; they'd just never been passed.