If past history is any indicator, it is very likely that the three Justices who were nominated by Liberal Left Democrats will rule against the right of concealed carry.... even though they all swore under oath to respect the 2nd Amendment during their Senate confirmation hearings.

We are most fortunate that Donald Trump was able to seat three Justices who have a history of supporting the gun rights of law abiding citizens. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, it is unlikely the N.Y. State Rifle and Pistol Assn. would have even attempted this case.

It really does make a difference who gun owners support and vote for. However, even if we win this, I predict that anti-gun Democrats will find some way to do an end run, and violate settled law. It's what they do.

I further predict that if our site Administrator approves this post, the supporters of anti-gun Democrats will be clamoring to have the truth deleted and censored. It's what they do.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.