So it goes with a lot of our hobbies and interests... not just guns. A good friend who died rather young several years ago had a lot of money tied up in collectible Corvettes and other muscle cars. His wife and daughters had no interest in them, and little knowledge about what he left behind. The vultures began circling before his body cooled off, and his wife told me that one so-called friend had stopped by the day he died to make a run at his 1963 Corvette split window coupe... with an offer that would have amounted to robbery.

I immediately told her what she had, and informed her about several vehicles he had in storage that she wasn't even aware of. I encouraged her to put on the brakes and make the effort to learn just what all of these old vehicles and parts were worth. Long story short, she did quite well 6 months later when she had an estate auction to dispose of his cars, parts, and tools. Unfortunately, there were a few vehicles that never surfaced. I found the titles in his shop, and had a good idea where they were stored. But the owner of the building denied knowing anything about them. Without the titles, I assume they were parted out.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.