Either one works for me. My very first shotgun, bought with my paper route earnings, was a hammerless single shot Savage 220A 20 ga. which had an automatic ejector. I still have it. With that, and subsequent auto ejector doubles, it is no problem to either catch the empties, or let them fly free to be picked up later. Extractor guns are fine with me too because I rarely find myself in a situation while hunting where I need to save fractions of seconds for quick reloading. For home defense, I have an unplugged pump gun that will spit out 5 shots quicker than any auto ejector double.

However, since most gun value sources say that auto-ejector guns will have a substantial premium in value, I do like it when I can buy an ejector gun at an extractor gun price. Only problem I have ever had with either system is an old worn extractor slipping past a shell rim.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.