Brad and I were good friends and bird hunting companions, with his 2 fine Yellow Labs, for many years. I cannot speak for the quality of the work now being done at his shop since his passing though. I have not yet either bought a used doublegun,snor had any gunsmithing work done by Vintage also in Grand Rapids- Let me just say this--every time I have been in Brad's shop on Plymouth Ave- they have always been busy with customers picking up their guns--Parkers, Smiths, pre- 1964 Winchesters, Colts, Sigs, etc.-- Brad's oldest son Carson is the shop specialist for all the Police and LEF groups on their weapons-for all of Kent Co. and sometimes on out-of-area weapons their (MSP) armorers are not capable of handling. And Brad's widow, Lori- who handles all the paperwork, shipping, ordering, is a first class Lady-- Of course, I am partial to old friends, and I have never done business including gunsmithing work, with Vintage-- RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..