I've waited a long time to ask this, and this may not be the best venue, but why would anyone want a Darne? Before you flame me let me explain my question a bit, please. I'm not a naysayer against any double gun design, unless the design is just stupid. But, Darnes are so different that I can't get my head around why someone who is a boxlock/sidelock enthusiast would want one. I am known here for not being a Darne enthusiast, but I am still open to reason concerning them.

If someone is especially enthusiastic towards the French way, I can accept that. But, other than that I am at a loss to understand it. Whatever the response, I will give it consideration. It may not shift my paradigm, but I am willing to listen and consider. Convince me. I will not offer any argument to any reason, and I will appreciate any gentile replies.

May God bless America and those who defend her.