Is beef suet even available these days?
Powdered milk is a nice binder.

But I’m not going to grind $10.00/lb suet into venison burger.

All cervids are venison.
I do believe alfalfa fed wapiti (elk) are far superior in flavor and texture to whitetail.

So like a couple weeks ago, 48lbs went into 3/8 grind. Finer, and it turns to crumbles when cooked.
It’s ready for use in anything you might want. Limited handling makes for good cleanliness.

I package our ground venison into serving sized packages for ease of use. 1, 1.5, and 2lb packages.
Stack them end on in an Amazon box, Freeze them. Very freezer efficient.

Large muscles are weighed, labeled, and vac bagged in appropriate sizes.

I do not cross cut hind quarters. I disassemble them. Top round, bottom round, sirloin, etc. Each for it’s own purpose.
Occasionally, I’ll cross cut the hindshanks for osso bucco .
Lots of effort, limited appeal.

I cut the ribs with a sawzall and freeze them for smoking.
Cook them in steam until all the tallow runs out, then smoke them some more.
You get 4 racks off an animal.

Every body knows what to do with the prime cuts.

I get a very high yield off my animals.

Out there doing it best I can.