Hey Ted, let's ask FAB:

Salut FAB, Pourrions-nous vous demander comment vous en êtes arrivé à cette conclusion? - "Je daterais sa fabrication entre 1918 et 1923." Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à l'effet de la guerre sur les épreuves. Existe-t-il un moyen de différencier les marques d'épreuve d'avant-guerre et d'après-guerre ?

(Hi Fab, could we ask how you came to this conclusion? - "I dated its fabrication to between 1918 and 1923." We are particularly interested in the effect that the war had on proof-marks. Is there a way to differentiate between pre-war and post-war proof marks?)

FAB and I discussed the conundrum about the cm/mm changeover date. We are trying to do this by analysis when surely there is a record of this somewhere in Saint-Etienne. He wrote to the proof-house and never received a reply. I may have to ask in-laws to go up there and do some research.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch