Though I don't have one of their top of the line O/Us, and my previous comments may have seemed somewhat critical, my Revelation 30in is very gratifying to shoot (regulation and patterns even with cheap bird shot) and look at! The wood I received for standard price surpasses most of the upgrades. I have been told by a smith at csmc that the action and construction are the same across the Inverness/model21 O/U and Revelation lines. I only question the barrel/mid rib construction from an acedemic standpoint, and am interested in others opinions. The company is not forthcoming as a rule and they don't provide any literature or care instructions. The gun is admired by all who see it and always draws interest.
I was interested in the case colored Inverness but the less expensive Revelation ticked all the boxes at a lower price point. I guess next time in the northeast I'll have to stop in and see how the barrels are constructed.