I have gone to horizontal gun racks. They take up a lot more room but allows for a nice display of the guns in a position which does not let too much oil soak into the stock, I hope. Space is not my issue as I have an entire Basement level to use. My racks hold eight guns per unit with a 13" shelf under them for books, Leather gun cases sit on top of the lower shelf under the guns and two shelves over the guns display decoys and gun stock blanks. I have more blanks than I will ever use and figured it would be a nice way to display them, so you can see what a nice blanks looks like. Mostly English Walnut, Black Walnut crotch figure with a few Claro blanks mixed in as well. Decoys are all hand carved working decoys, a mix of Canvasback, Teal, Wood Ducks, Widgeon and few old cork Black Duck and Mallards. Many are decoys I hunted over as a kid. A couple are Ward Brothers, Jobe family decoys or Ed, One Arm Kelly decoys. A few old shell boxes scattered in fill in the gaps.

For the guns not in racks, I still store them muzzle down for now but will finish the last horizontal gun display cases this Summer which will bring the total up to 12 for just under 100 guns. After that it will be time to cull the herd and get rid of many project guns that I now know I will never get around to finishing. So the muzzle down group will go away and the entire collection will be on display so I can show them off as best as I can.