Well it has rained here and harvest is off for a while. Ill try to strip the trigger plate today and clean it up to look for fillers.

I think Tom is suggesting that the triggerplate was made by a SST convertof(outside of SAC) and engraved by the same hand that was engraving the SAC guns. I dont think that is plausible because of the rather crude modification of the internals, it looks to me like a SAC man was modifying parts to see if he could come up with a workable single trigger design and he asked for a triggerplate for this gun with no trigger slots cut. Based on the modified internal parts I cant fathom that somebody would make a new trigger plate until he came up with "new made" parts for the ST conversion(it would me much easier to modify the original plate) The trigger plate has a number under part of the new mechanism, I cant make it out with the parts in the way but Ill take the stuff off and see what it says.

Does your gun have a modified triggerplate or one with only one slot? I would sure think that SAC would have wanted to offer a SST to go along with their higher grade guns so it seems plausible that they would have been fooling with something SST related. If only we could go back in time to Syracuse, the mecca of so many desirable American guns and talk to the players you listed above.

Tom, you have seen as many of these guns as anybody and I really appreciate your input. Thanks for your work and time.

ps Will there be an article forthcomming on that very special Syracuse gun soon?