Originally Posted by ClapperZapper
....Her cash income is well into six figures.

As a person who pays his fair share of taxes, and doesn’t engage in elaborate schemes to avoid them, my preference is that those transactions are taxable.

It has become pretty obvious to me that the non-tax paying, income earning segment of our national workforce is growing exponentially.

Heck, you can go to the beach nowadays, and you will see entire families rolling coolers along selling bottles of water for two dollars apiece or more. Or the endless parade of restaurants that are cash only, because their computers are down.
I believe the story here refers to six hundred dollars, not six figures. As to your non tax paying income earning segment, if you build it, they will come. Some will exploit the notion, but most will be forced into cash transactions for a few grocery items, or more likely their illegal drug addictions. Two thirds of the country has supposedly been reduced to living paycheck to paycheck, not on Caribbean vacation.