Originally Posted by ed good
flatlanders dont seem to appreciate the importance of gun balance and weight...

You're gonna try condescension now, eh? Well, maybe you never heard of walking through briar patches and plum thickets for wild bobwhite all day, or the thick swampy tangles that woodcock often prefer here. There are other obstacles besides elevation that can tire a man. However, it is my opinion that most men today are not the men that their grandads and uncles were, physically. The preferred gun of choice down around here when I was growing up was an A5 Browning Sweet Sixteen ......... not exactly a light weight wand. And, they wouldn't dare make the excuse, for missing a shot on a flush, that their gun was imbalanced or too heavy.

Blame everything but yourself, eddy. That's your way.

May God bless America and those who defend her.