Chances here of being bitten by a rattler, or a cottonmouth, are not small, unless you're very careful. But, we that have grown up with them all around us are very cautious where we put our feet and hands, and we never do so where we cannot see beforehand. An upturned boat beside a lake or stream is a haven for toads, thus snakes. Anything laying on the ground under which a snake might find shade and cool is suspect. High grass and weeds are suspect. Heck, my wife has called me twice in the last four years with news that "there is a big rattlesnake on the patio". A acquaintance once hid some doves in the woods alongside a dove field, so he could surreptitiously kill more than he should. When he went in to retrieve the pile from the woods later, he reached down for them and a big rattler nailed him on the arm. The rattler had a half swallowed dove in his mouth preventing it's fangs from contacting his arm. His wash lady knew something had happened that afternoon, for sure.

May God bless America and those who defend her.