Originally Posted by Argo44
Translation of the parts of the Simplex. See part 17 of the interior hammer gun and tell me what that is for our dictionary:

17. Pièce d’armement – Arming part or charging part?? Never have quite figured this out – someone look at the drawing and tell me what it is.

You can see it bearing upon the striker (or hammer) in fig. 2 of the sectioned views of the guns.

It appears to be a cocking dog... a part of the cocking mechanism that rotates the striker (or hammer) back to engagement with the trigger sear when the trigger guard/cocking lever is opened.

However, the parts list description, "pièce d' armament", appears to translate to "piece of armament". I suppose another term would be "Gun Part". That narrows it down significantly.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.