Originally Posted by playing hooky
Is pressure reported? In the description of the two shells offered for sale I see shot weight and velocity but not pressure.

Originally Posted by nca225
Any insight if they are going to produce shells in small bore gauges?

The only thing I have found is a reference on the website for "low pressure". How low, who knows. I'd get in touch and ask if I was able to place an order. Which I can't because I'm in a foreign country.

It strikes me that any company that starts out by proposing to produce and sell 2 1/2" "low pressure" shells is targeting the vintage gun crowd. And when what they offer to sell initially is 12 gauge in 1 oz loads of #6 and #8 shot, well, that's the low hanging fruit that gets production going and generates initial revenue. Looking around at just about every other company that makes low pressure 2 1/2" shells for 12 gauge, they also makes them in a variety of other gauges and loads. I can't imagine a reason why that wouldn't be Shenk's ambition.

My company makes and sells shoes. We mostly sell mens shoes in sizes 9 to 10.5. Each size requires different molds and lasts.....it gets expensive tooling up for production. If we could only afford to do a few sizes.....well, we'd pick 9 through 10.5. But one would always want to get where you are offering a full size array of 7 through 13, even though you know you will only sell a few on the outside sizes. It's called being in the business. I suspect shotshells are similar.

Last edited by canvasback; 12/19/22 02:15 PM.

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