You fillet the meat off each side of the duck breast, then cut off all the silver skin. Then, with what's left, you slice it once horizontally into roughly equal sized pieces. This thins the remaining pieces. It is important when you roll it up, that the grain in the fillet runs across the roll. IOW, when your front teeth (incisors) bite through the roll they need to be biting with the grain. If not it will be hard to bite through, and seem tough. As to the other components you use, press a thin layer of ground sausage onto the fillet, then cut a piece of Philadelphia Brand cream cheese and lay it in the middle. Roll it all up, salt and pepper the outside, and grill it on a hot grill until done. I'll leave it up to you how long that is. I want my duck meat pink in the middle. The rest will be done, too.

I'll try to remember to take pics next time I cook them. What I need is some freshly killed ducks with which to make them!

May God bless America and those who defend her.