Originally Posted by Bob Noble
Bob Cash I don't like your comments and will report them to Dave. I also will not be posting on this board anymore because of people like you.

I think the expression is “Put up or shut up”.
Or a punch bowl turd like yourself might better understand, ”Sh!t or get off the pot”
I doubt a poop stain of a guy like you has ever taken a business risk such as this.

So there we have it. Looks like Nasty Bob Cash has driven away another Doublegunshop contributor. And this one actually had a lot to offer in the way of knowledge about Lefever doubles, versus Nasty Bob's limited knowledge that only appeared to go as far as his profit motive in flipping Brownings and Winchester 21's.

I guess my previous post on this matter didn't make the cut, and appears to have been censored entirely. But I still find it odd that Gladys Kravitz, the Preacher, and Co. have not whined to Dave Weber about his nasty behavior that has apparently caused another guy to leave. I guess it's that old double standard that permits Liberals to get away with things that just aren't tolerated in Conservatives who support pro-2nd Amendment politicians.

What is really strange is how Nasty Bob Cash could be so hypocritical in acting all butthurt and upset about Bob Noble supposedly "getting up in another man's business". But Nasty Bob felt it was perfectly OK to go way above and beyond by engaging in repeated internet doxxing here. We also are treated to seeing Nasty Bob piously complaining about jackass trolls here. Yet Nasty Bob repeatedly made dozens of posts calling me a "lying Nazi". (of course, I was a very bad boy for responding) Yet both of Nasty Bob's doxxing targets got sanctioned and censored, and this nasty turd is still given free reign to drive more people away. That's pretty cool, and I'm sure it pleases several of our Libtards.

I got on Nasty Bob's bad side years ago for confronting him over a crude and unwarranted attack he made on our late friend Miller. No regrets there. And it is equally amusing to see Nasty Bob's nasty posts getting "liked" by his doxxing buddy BrentD, a guy who pretends that he is so deeply offended by such behavior that he runs a one-man campaign to defund this site. ... Hypocritical Birds of a feather! Meanwhile, recently the posts I make that don't get tossed do not appear for 4 to 5 days after I submit them. Oh well, at least I shamed Nasty Bob into no longer posting those disturbing pictures of prepubescent boys. Things that make you say.... hmmm.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.