Libel: a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.

Originally Posted by Bob Cash
What a surprise!
The finger you point at "the wrong Guy" is poop encrusted.
Oh, and bob, you can successfully defend yourself against a Libel suit by proving that your statements are true.

And now Nasty Bob is falsely accusing a member here of Libel. So exactly where is the libelous statement? What has been said that may be damaging to some person's reputation, and what would the monetary damages be? Who was the person that was libeled? Were any names named, other than by Nasty Bob, who seems obsessed with poop stains for some reason?

I'm asking for a friend. My friend has the opinion that this is a spineless and baseless threat, and that the person making the threat should ask himself if this alleged crime is as bad as engaging in gutless internet doxxing, and then repeatedly making posts here referring to the person he is doxxing as a Lying Nazi??? My friend noticed that Nasty Bob did exactly that on numerous occasions.

[Linked Image from]

My friend also wonders exactly how it is libelous to say something like "I saw some guns listed in an auction that have been listed in the past, and unsold in other auctions."

Wow, that's some really egregious and damaging stuff there... if you're very thin skinned.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.