Originally Posted by ClapperZapper
I think wherever lekking areas overlap you get sharptail/prairie chicken hybrids.

You do indeed. Also, as noted a few posts above, crosses between blues and bobs, resulting in blobs. Gotta love the name!

Quite a few years back, when I was guiding pheasant hunters in Iowa, I shot the oddest looking rooster I ever saw in the wild. The bird had white wings and a short, white tail. I yelled for my guys to shoot, but apparently they didn't think it was a rooster. I might not have either if I hadn't seen the red eye patch. You'll sometimes see birds like that on preserves, where they've released some albino pheasants and you end up with a cross. But that particular farm wasn't anywhere near a preserve. And by that time, I'd been hunting it for maybe 10 years and had never seen any pheasants that didn't look like you'd expect them to look.