Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
Originally Posted by Brian
My proof is that it got to the final destination before being loaded into a delivery truck and just disappeared. It was scanned in at the facility. A 50" long package doesn't accidently get shoved under a counter. And there is a prior recent history of another high end gun being stolen there. same situation. same dealer destination. so, while there may be, ( as a realist I doubt it) an extremely small chance it was "misplaced" but given the facts and the situation, I will stand by my accusation that it was stolen.

Try entering that amount of evidence into a court of law as "proof". Won't get you very far. I understand your angst, but not your surety of accusation.

Ok, let me rephrase. I am alleging that it was stolen, the preponderance of the evidence suggests that. enough so that I can say with certainty that the package didnt gor legs and walk off on its own. therefore, it took human interaction for it to disappear.
You domt have to have a ton of evidence to charge someone with a crime or violation. hell, a speeding ticket (accusation) is alleged until proven in court but they can haul you into court for it. same as a DWI.

lets now loose sight of my post. UPS cant locate my 1800 dollar package and it was in their possession, they have it documented to their final sort facility and then it is missing. doesn't take a rocket scientist or Clarence Darrow to deduce the probability of theft.

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