As of a few years ago packages w ups (or it was fedex) hit the warehouse and come in and go down the conveyers and driver pulls his boxes onto the floor at the rear of his backed-up truck which sits against the belt. Picture a bunch of trucks parked backed up to the line side by side like soldiers in formation. Driver is required to load up the rear of his truck, sometimes another driver helps but rarely. Driver is required to scan all boxes once in the truck and BEFORE leaving the warehouse property, many do so usually right there at the belt w the packages going in. This will show the item is now on the truck out for delivery.

And that’s the loophole which permits thief drivers to target and steal packages - they know their route has a special address (or there are substitute drivers who happen by chance to take over a valued route, meaning w choice delivery locations). They recognize by name/address the package will be going to a precious metals or auction house or jewelry store - or gun dealer. Given reports of thefts on prized routes, security is going to eventually look to target the problem drivers. So security will send down bait packages along the conveyor belt directed to said route and thief driver. The camera will show the bait package handled by the driver and fake scanned or simply put into the back of the truck.. and the system will show the bait package was NOT scanned, ever, by the driver and certainly not in conformance w policy prior to departing w the truck, but the other packages sent down for that route will have been scanned, Therefore, the package is shown as still at the warehouse and never delivered and lost can’t locate it. The thief pulls out and goes about his route, but drops off the targeted package w a friend conspirator, or wife or girlfriend, along the route. You’d be surprised trucks may or may not have GPS devices to prove to these companies where their trucks are and if they momentarily veer off… and that there may not be uniformity across warehouses in different states as to the capabilities of security to investigate. Thief drivers are not going to keep the package for the entirety of their shift and stuff it under their shirt (unless really small) and walk it to their car in the employee parking lot in possible view of others so as to leave with it at end of shift, so it’s probable it was dropped off to a “friend” while on his/her route.

I did say eventually security will investigate. That’s because unless you are a business with a large account with UPS/FEDEX and you take it to corporate (meaning elevate it above the account manager to counsel for UPS/FEDEX) and threaten a lawsuit and or full press to move your account elsewhere, UPS/FEDEX probably isn’t going to care about several losses of lower value packages by individual sometime customers.

I’d have the same feeling as you - it’s probably stolen from a driver who had your route that shift - you need to report to police (no matter a prospective negative result) just to get an incident report and ask to have it (serial make model and report no.) filed with NCIC. You likely need to first wait some mandated UPs/FEDEX policy time limit set by the co. To expire hence proving the package is totally lost in order to convince police it’s really stolen. Also ask them to enter it into or whatever service or requirement your locality requires it to be entered into a pawn/second hand dealer system. You need to then take it to your local FBI office and file a complaint of Theft from Interstate Shipment; while it’s low value not suitable for a federal prosecution, explain that you’re likely being one of several victims and request/beg the agency to at least investigate it a little for your loss to determine from UPS the identity of the driver and to confirm the driver is a known problem child, and ask the FBI to go to his residence to interview him and see if the driver spits up the gun. That agency should well know how to handle a consent and search w a UPS driver who claims “didn’t do nothing.” I opine UPS/FEDEX isnt going to recover a stolen article from their driver, they’ll only fire him.

Last edited by rrrgcy; 02/21/23 10:29 AM.