Direct from Customs website.
Key point from there and BATF.
Under the United States Gun Control Act of 1968, any cartridge firearm made in or before 1898 ("pre-1899") is classified as an "antique", and is generally outside of Federal jurisdiction, as administered and enforced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

For the purposes of the National Firearms Act, the term “Antique Firearms” means any firearm not intended or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap or similar type of ignition system ...

Antique firearms, which include weapons manufactured before 1899, are not subject to National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks.

What is the 1898 gun rule?
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Under federal law, an antique firearm is any firearm produced before 1898. The federal definition also includes replicas, which means the firearm may have been manufactured recently, but if it was manufactured to exactly duplicate a firearm produced before 1898, it is still considered an antique firearm.Mar 29, 2019

If the firearm you intend to import is an antique firearm and was manufactured in or before 1898, you or an FFL do not have to submit an ATF Form 6 to ATF; however, you must be able to prove to CBP that it was manufactured during that period.Nov 2, 2020

A lot of misinformation out there. If you do not want to deal with it yourself then use an importer. If you want to deal with it ,and have the time, then educate yourself and be prepared to educate those you are dealing with. Just be aware that some people will not let facts get into the way of their ignorance. I love those people, and have no problem going over their heads until I find a person who can read and understand that the law is the law, and hurt feeling of what they think ought to be is nothing I care about. Funny thing is once they have that happen, then the next time they just want things to go away and deal with it quickly.

Any firearm manufactured before 1898 is the operative term. You must be able to show it was produced before that date. People get distracted by the Muzzle loader aspect but any gun built before 1898 is a "non-gun". It also is an antique and duties should be very minimal. Any replica, that is true to original design, is an non gun. Any muzzle loader, is a non gun. Do be aware your state or local laws may be more restrictive. Print out the relevant federal statues and take them with you. I have had people claim I am wrong, hand them the papers work, they still claim I am wrong and then have them look it up themselves. At that point they read it several times and then agree they were wrong. The one person, who refused to accept facts, got a rude lecture from her bosses, boss. I wont go into details but Hell will freeze over, twice, before she sends me a Christmas card. Learn the facts, follow the law, be polite, be patient, share things more than be confrontational and most people will accept things and work with you. Nobody wakes up and decides today is the day i will screw with an imported gun want to be owner. It is more like, thank God it is Friday. Try not to ruin it for them. Those who get educated almost always are easier the next time, so far.

Last edited by KY Jon; 03/16/23 07:13 PM.